This product is part of 1 bundle(s):
Nutrilite Iron Folic Plus provides iron from two iron sources which are readily absorbed by the body, together with folic acid. These nutrients may not be provided in sufficient amounts by your daily nutrition if you are eating an unbalanced diet. An increased need occurs during pregnancy and breastfeeding. This product also contains premium Nutrilite Spinach Concentrate.
Dietary Information
- Suitable for diabetics (content of carbohydrates and calories are negligible)
- Not suitable for vegetarians (except if they are willing to include calcium carbonate from oyster shells in their diet)
- Not suitable for vegans (except if they are willing to include calcium carbonate from oyster shells in their diet)
- Gluten-free
- Contains two of the best tolerated plant-sourced forms of iron, ferrous fumarate and ferrous gluconate, which are readily absorbed by the body
- Contains Nutrilite Spinach Concentrate
- Some European surveys indicate that the level of iron intake may sometimes be critical or below an adequate amount, especially among adolescent females, women of child-bearing age and the elderly
- The surveys also show that the level of folic acid intake is below recommendations for all groups, and in particular among women of child-bearing age and the elderly
- No artificial sweeteners, colours, flavours or preservatives
- The product is not suitable for vegans/vegetarians.
% NRV* |
Фолиева киселина |
150 μg |
75 |
Желязо |
10 mg |
71 |
* % хранителна референтна стойност |
СЪСТАВКИ: прах от черупки от стриди, концентрат от спанак (Spinacea oleracea), железен глюконат, малтодекстрин, стабилизатори (микрокристална целулоза, напречно свързана натриева карбокси метил целулоза, гума арабика, метилцелулоза), железен фумарат, антислепващи агенти (силициев диоксид, магнезиеви соли на мастни киселини), влагозадържащ агент (глицерол), птероилмоноглутаминова киселина, глазиращ агент (карнаубов восък).
Suggested Usage
One tablet daily
To supplement dietary intake of iron and folic acid
Potential users
- Women who are pregnant or breast-feeding (according to their health professional’s advice)
- Women during child-bearing years
- The elderly and adolescent females
- Sportsmen/women and active people
- Those who do not consume adequate amounts of meats, whole grains, fortified cereals, legumes and vegetables in their diet
- Anyone who may have an imbalance of iron and folic acid in their diet iron and folic acid
- Anyone who wishes to supplement their diet with iron and folic acid
Keep out of reach of children. This product is no substitute for a varied diet. Do not exceed the recommended daily dose. This product contains iron which, if taken in excess, may be harmful to very young children. Keep out of sight and reach. Keep bottle tightly closed. Store in a cool, dry place.